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Covid-19 Safety

Practicing Yoga safely during COVID 19 at Simply Space Yoga Room

• Every student is asked to self-assess and not to take part and to remain at home if they are  symptomatic or suspects they have been exposed to the virus. Check for a high  temperature, a new, continuous cough, a loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste. 

• Please wear a mask when entering the location until you take your seat on your mat. 

• When entering the Yoga room each participant please sanitize their hands. There will  be also a forehead thermometer for a temperature check on entrance.  

• The Yoga Room is a shoe free zone so please take your shoes off and place them on the  provided shoe racks.  

• Please come yoga ready. Be dressed in comfortable clothes you can move and stretch in and use layers – having layers of clothing you can take of when on your mat and then put  on before leaving. Leave coats in the car if weather permits.  

• Please bring if possible, your own mat, blanket and other probs and your own water bottle. 

• There are signs on the ground where to place your yoga mat so all participants can  maintain the recommended social distancing (2 meters from the centre of each mat to the  next). Please start filling the room by going to a free place furthest away from entrance of  the room.  

• When you arranged your mat and your props and sit on you mat you can take off your  mask. If you wish to practice with a mask on you welcome to do this as your personal  choice.  

• The Yoga room has sufficient ventilation and is aired out before practice, and windows and  doors can be open.  

• There is at least a 15 minutes break between two sessions and a longer break after each  two session intervals.  

• If equipment of the studio is used like chairs or blocks or mat’s it is disinfected after use. 

• All are reminded to use good handwashing technique, the need to increase handwashing  frequency, avoid touching your face and to cough or sneeze into your arm.  

• Hand sanitiser are provided at the entrance, in the kitchen and in the bathroom. 

• In bathroom paper towels are used and cleaning wipes are provided to leave the bathroom  after use as you would like to find it. Bathroom is deep cleaned after each session.  

• Door handles and surfaces are cleaned after each session.  

• All bookings and payments are done by phone or online before the session.

September 2020

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